About This Offering

This course will cover key topics such as airspace classification, rules and regulations, and reading aeronautical charts, providing the foundational knowledge necessary for successful exam preparation. You’ll gain practical skills that can be applied to your research, hobbies, or future career.

Registration form

Dr. Jeremy Maurer (“Dr. J)

I am an Assistant Professor in the Earth Sciences and Engineering department at Missouri S&T in Rolla, MO. My research focuses on applying physics, statistical, and computational techniques to solve problems in earthquake science and remote sensing. I am always trying to learn more about drones and plan to use them to help measure crustal strain accumulation and earthquake potential on large faults around the world. I received a B.A from Grace College in northern Indiana, an M.S. in Geological Sciences from Indiana University, and a PhD in Geophysics from Stanford University in 2018. After graduating I was a postdoctoral researcher at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA until joining the S&T faculty in January of 2020. 

  • Course cost: $1,400
  • Dates: May 8-9
  • Prerequisites: None
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
  1. Describe different classes of the UAS
  2. Describe how UAS are used in industry and scientific research
  3. Outline the current state of UAS development and regulations
  4. Learn the background knowledge required for operating UAS
  5. Pass the TRUST exam
  6. Able to pass the Part 107 UAS exam
Course Overview:
  • Introduction
  • Basics of Flight
  • Regulation
  • Airport Operations
  • Radio Communications
  • Airspace
  • Charts
  • Weather Theory
  • Weather Services
  • Aeronautical Decision Making
  • Physiological Factors
  • Maintenance and Inspections

Prior to the course, there will be reading and videos assigned covering background material. Students may be asked to complete one pre-course assignment.