Graduate Certificate in Foundations of Supply Chain Integration Systems

About: If you’re ready to take your engineering, science, or business skills to the next level — advance your education in the high-demand field of supply chain management. You’re interested in the systems that help influence quality decision-making and the global impact of supply chain products or services.

Trust that you’re getting a certificate from an accredited university that can lead you to your next promotion or raise. Missouri University of Science and Technology has built this 100% online graduate certificate in foundations of supply chain integration systems for technical communicators ready to take the next step in their careers.

Term: 1 to 3 years to graduate

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  • Requirements
  • Course Information


Graduate Certificate Requirements:

  • Certificate programs require the completion of twelve credit hours (four designated courses) of 3000-, 4000-, 5000-, and 6000-level lecture courses (1000/2000-level courses cannot be included).

Course Information

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Required Courses


Provides a comprehensive background in the field of packaging and its place in productive systems. Emphasizes the design or economics of the system. Analyze the management of the packaging function and interrelationship with other functions of an enterprise.

Learning Objective

  1. Understand the fundamental concepts and importance of packaging in engineering management.
  2. Analyze the impact of packaging on product quality, safety, and marketing.
  3. Evaluate different packaging materials, technologies, and techniques.
  4. Develop sustainable packaging strategies considering environmental and social factors.
  5. Apply cost-effective packaging solutions while maintaining product integrity.
  6. Manage packaging operations, logistics, and supply chain considerations.
  7. Identify and address regulatory and compliance requirements related to packaging.
  8. Critically assess case studies and real-world examples of successful packaging management.

Course Content

  • Introduction to Packaging Principles and Practices
  • Materials Selection and Sustainability in Packaging
  • Packaging Design and Innovation
  • Supply Chain Integration and Logistics in Packaging Management
  • Regulatory Compliance and Quality Assurance in Packaging

Course Evaluation Criteria

  • Midterm Exam
  • Final Exam
  • Final Project


Emphasize design policies of concurrent engineering and teamwork, and documenting design process knowledge. Integration of product realization activities covering important aspects of a product life cycle such as "customer" needs analysis, concept generation, concept selection, product modeling, process development, and end-of-product life options.

Learning Objective

  1. Understanding Integrated Product and Process Design (IPPD) Principles
  2. Applying Systems Thinking in IPPD
  3. Optimizing Cross-Functional Collaboration in IPPD
  4. Utilizing Tools and Techniques for IPPD Analysis
  5. Evaluating the Impact of IPPD on Engineering Management and Business Performance

Course Content

  • Fundamentals of Integrated Product and Process Design
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration and Team Dynamics
  • Systems Thinking and Design Integration
  • Optimization Techniques for Product-Process Systems
  • Lifecycle Assessment and Sustainable Design Practices

Course Evaluation Criteria

  • Midterm Exam
  • Final Exam 
  • Final Project


This course focuses on the development of logistics management skills related to global supply chains. Particular attention will be given to supply chain systems management as part of the firm's strategic positioning, cultural interactions, and transportation sourcing decisions.

Learning Objective

  1. Understand the fundamentals of supply chain management and its importance in engineering management.
  2. Analyze supply chain processes, identify bottlenecks, and suggest improvements.
  3. Utilize technology and software tools for supply chain planning, execution, and monitoring.
  4. Develop a strategic approach to supply chain sustainability and risk management.
  5. Apply analytical and problem-solving techniques to real-world supply chain challenges.

Course Content

  • Introduction to Supply Chain Management
  • Supply Chain Strategies
  • Quantitative Methods in Supply Chain Analysis
  • Technology in Supply Chain Management
  • Supply Chain Risk Management
  • Case Studies and Industry Best Practices

Course Evaluation Criteria

  • Midterm Exam
  • Final Exam
  • Final Project


Tools and concepts of architecting complex engineering systems. Ambiguity in Systems Architecting and Fuzzy Systems; Search as an Architecting Process; Architecting Heuristics; Systems Scoping and Attribute Selection; Assessing Architectures; Systems Aggregation, Partitioning; Systems Behavior Generation; System Science and Thinking, Cyber Physical Systems.

Learning Objective

  1. To understand the fundamental concepts and principles of systems architecting.
  2. To develop skills in defining system requirements and objectives.
  3. To explore various architectural frameworks and methodologies.
  4. To learn techniques for system trade-off analysis and optimization.
  5. To gain proficiency in system integration and testing.
  6. To apply systems architecting principles to practical case studies.
  7. To foster critical thinking and problem-solving abilities in the context of complex systems.

Course Content

  • Introduction to Systems Architecting
  • Requirements Analysis and Specification in Systems Architecture
  • System Decomposition and Integration
  • Trade-off Analysis and Decision Making 
  • Validation and Verification of System Architectures

Course Evaluation Criteria

  • Minute Paper 
  • Project
  • Midterm Exam
  • Final Exam 
  • Final Paper